Ce este diateza pasivă (the Passive Voice)?
În (probabil) toate limbile, există o diateză activă (an Active Voice) și o diateză pasivă (a Passive Voice).
Diateza activă pune accentul pe inițiatorul acțiunii (pe cel care face acțiunea).
e.g.: The author writes books.
the author = subiect
writes = verb la diateza activă
books = complement
Diateza pasivă pune accentul pe ținta acțiunii (pe obiectul sau persoana care suferă acțiunea).
e.g.: Books are written by the author.
books = noul subiect
are written = verb la diateza pasivă
the author = agentul
Prepoziția by introduce complementul de agent, i.e. inițiatorul acțiunii.
Uneori, agentul este important.
e.g.: The team is lead by Sarah.
Alteori, agentul este irelevant sau necunoscut.
e.g.: My bicycle was stolen.
Cum se formează diateza pasivă?
to be + forma a III-a a verbului (participiul trecut)
Diateza pasivă se poate folosi la orice timp verbal. Timpul este redat de verbul to be, în timp ce participiul are mereu aceeași formă.
În următorul tabel, exemplificăm folosirea diatezei pasive la cele mai importante timpuri verbale.
Timp verbal | Diateza activă (Active Voice) | Diateza pasivă (Passive Voice) |
Present Simple | The author writes books. | Books are written by the author. |
Past Simple | General Motors invented air bags. | Air bags were invented by General Motors. |
Present Continuous | Jeremy is reading an email. | An email is being read by Jeremy. |
Past Continuous | Clara was watching a movie. | A movie was being watched by Clara. |
Future Simple | Somebody will steal your bicycle. | Your bicycle will be stolen by somebody. |
‘Be Going To’ Future | The tourists are going to visit the city. | The city is going to be visited by the tourists. |
Present Perfect | We have finished the project. | The project has been finished by us. |
Past Perfect | They had rebuilt the museum. | The museum had been rebuilt by them. |
Present Perfect Continuous | You have been doing exercises all day. | Exercises have been being done by you all day. |
Past Perfect Continuous | We had been discussing the issue for days. | The issue had been being discussed by us for days. |
Modals (e.g. can) | Brian can drive this car. | This car can be driven by Brian. |
Modals (e.g. might) | Ruby might clean the house. | The house might be cleaned by Ruby. |
Perfect Modals (e.g. could have) | They could have robbed the bank. | The bank could have been robbed by them. |
Perfect Modals (e.g. might have) | They might have closed the store. | The store might have been closed by them. |
În secțiunea Exerciții, ne vom concentra pe folosirea diateze pasive la Present Simple, Past Simple și Future Simple.
Alte observații
- Diateza pasivă se folosește adesea pentru a spune din ce este făcut un obiect (what an object is made from/of) și pentru ce este el folosit (what it is used for/to).
e.g.: A notebook is made from paper. A notebook is used for writing.
e.g.: This statue is made of wood. It is used to decorate the square.
(Ascultă tutorialul audio din această lecție pentru mai multe detalii.)