Cum se formează Past Perfect?
had + forma a treia a verbului principal
e.g.: Ruby had left when Brian arrived.
Atenție: Verbul auxiliar had nu se schimbă niciodată.
Când folosim Past Perfect?
Folosim timpul verbal Past Perfect pentru:
- a ne referi la o acțiune care s-a întâmplat înaintea altei acțiuni din trecut (an action that happened before another action in the past):
Ruby had left when Brian arrived.
1. Ruby plecase (înainte ca Brian să ajungă).
2. Brian a ajuns (într-un moment din trecut, după ce Ruby plecase deja). - a forma Condiționala a treia (the Third Conditional), pe care o vom învăța la nivelul Avansat.
Există trei conjuncții care ne ajută adesea să recunoaștem timpul verbal Past Perfect: when, before și after.
Ruby had left when Brian arrived.
Brian arrived when Ruby had left.
Ruby had left before Brian arrived.
Brian arrived after Ruby had left.
Afirmativ / Interogativ / Negativ
Afirmativ | Interogativ | Negativ | |
Persoana I, sg. | I had studied French before I moved to France. | Had I studied French before I moved to France? | I had not studied French before I moved to France. |
Persoana a II-a, sg. | You had read that book before she gave it to you as a present. | Had you read that book before she gave it to you as a present? | You had not read that book before she gave it to you as a present. |
Persoana a III-a, sg. | Mary called the plumber after George had fixed the sink. Jeremy arrived home after Clara had finished cooking dinner. It had stopped raining when we left. | Had George fixed the sink before Mary called the plumber? Had Clara finished cooking dinner before Jeremy arrived? Had it stopped raining when we left? | George had not fixed the sink before Mary called the plumber. Clara had not finished cooking dinner when Jeremy arrived. It had not stopped raining when we left. |
Persoana I, pl. | We had never been to that restaurant before last night. | Had we ever been to that restaurant before last night? | We had not ever been to that restaurant before last night. |
Persoana a II-a, pl. | You had had that TV for ten years before it broke down. | Had you had that TV for ten years before it broke down? | You had not had that TV for ten years before it broke down. |
Persoana a III-a, pl. | They had found a different hotel when the receptionist finally called them. | Had they found a different hotel when the receptionist finally called them? | They had not found a different hotel when the receptionist finally called them. |
Asculă tutorialul audio din această lecție pentru a afla cum folosim contrageri în cadrul timpului verbal Past Perfect.
În limba română, Past Perfect se traduce folosind timpul mai-mult-ca-perfect.