Ascultă explicațiile audio pentru cei 60 de termeni medicali (N – Z)
narcolepsy – narcolepsie, narcoleptic – narcoleptic
Her daytime sleep episodes are uncontrollable. She’s a narcoleptic, currently undergoing treatment.
nausea – greață
Don’t worry. Nausea is a common side effect of this treatment.
necrosis – necroză
The patient’s necrosis had extended quickly. They had to amputate his entire leg.
neonate / newborn / infant – nou-născut
Newborns react well to sounds they heard while in their mother’s womb.
nerve cell – neuron
Drugs mimic neurotransmitters and trick nerve cells into sending abnormal messages.
neurology – neurologie, neurologist – neurolog
The autistic child is being evaluated by a multidisciplinary team from the neurology, psychiatry and pediatrics departments.
obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD – tulburare obsesiv-compulsivă
Her OCD is time-consuming: before leaving her apartment, she opens and closes all doors, turns all the lights and the taps on and off again, and checks the gas cooker knobs – everything five times!
obstetrics – obstetrică, obstetrician – obstetrician
Her obstetrician decided to induce labor in her 35th week of pregnancy.
obstruction – obstrucție, ocluzie
The patient’s peritonitis was caused by an untreated intestinal obstruction.
oncology – oncologie, oncologist – oncolog
The pathologist’s evaluation of the biopsy determined the oncologist to start radiation immediately.
optic nerve – nerv optic
His optic nerve damage is a consequence of his elevated intracranial pressure.
overdose or OD – supradoză
Heroin and morphine overdoses can be prevented with antagonist drugs, like naloxone.
pacemaker – stimulator cardiac
Pacemakers maintain an adequate heart rate when the patient’s heart is unable to do so by itself.
painkiller – calmant, analgezic
They started her on morphine because milder painkillers didn’t work anymore.
panic attack – atac de panică
When the panic attack subsided, he was completely exhausted.
paralysis – paralizie, paralyzed – paralizat
During REM sleep, most of the body is paralyzed, so that we don’t act out our dreams.
parasite – parazit
Keratin and sebum protect us from parasites trying to enter our skin.
pathology – patologie, pathogenic – patogen
The virus mutated and has become even more pathogenic.
pediatrics – pediatrie, pediatrician – medic pediatru
You should see a pediatrician because these symptoms could mean something else in a child.
physician – medic
It is best to consult a physician before taking any supplements.
plastic surgery – chirurgie plastică
He underwent reconstructive plastic surgery one year after the accident.
pregnancy – sarcină
She started wearing maternity clothes during her second trimester of pregnancy.
prophylaxis – profilaxie
Post-exposure prophylaxis doesn’t guarantee that the virus won’t start replicating.
psychosomatic – psihosomatic
Placebo treatment can work when the illness is psychosomatic.
quarantine – carantină
The entire building was in quarantine after the anthrax attack. Most people left in the evening, after a decontamination shower.
radiotherapy – radioterapie
Before surgery, radiotherapy is used to shrink the tumor and make it easier to remove.
rash – urticarie
By the time they saw a doctor, the baby’s diaper rash had spread to his back.
relapse – recidivă
He had been sober for three years, but had a sudden relapse during the winter holidays.
remission – remisiune
Although her pancreatic cancer has been in remission for three years, she is afraid it might come back.
renal stone, kidney stone – piatră la rinichi
Passing a renal stone usually requires nothing more than plenty of water and pain medication.
retinal detachment – dezlipire de retină
The retinal detachment became obvious when he started seeing curved door edges.
rheumatism – reumatism
There are various types of rheumatism. Most of them have joint pain and swelling in common.
saliva – salivă, salivary gland – glandă salivară
Hepatitis C can’t be spread through saliva, but you can never be too careful.
seizure – atac, criză
Convulsive epileptic seizures are dangerous. Somebody must join you at all times.
septicemia – septicemie
Her fever, high respiratory rate and high white cell count indicate septicemia.
sclerosis – scleroză
Atherosclerosis can go undetected for a long time. The best treatment is prevention – quit smoking, eat healthy food and exercise daily.
subcutaneous – subcutanat
Subcutaneous injections are less scary than intramuscular and intravenous ones.
stroke – atac cerebral
Strokes usually leave survivors with some type of disability.
syndrome – sindrom
She decided to have an abortion because her baby would have had the Down syndrome.
tapeworm – tenie
Don’t consume undercooked food. You can ingest tapeworms and get a digestive infection.
thermometer – termometru
There are three places in which a thermometer can be inserted. Hopefully, the doctor will measure your axillary or sub-lingual temperature.
thrombosis – tromboză
Flight attendants are prone to deep vein thrombosis because of the cramped space and the reduced air pressure.
tomography – tomografie, computed tomography or CT – tomografie computerizată
A CT scan provides pictures of thin slices of your organs, in order for doctors to better assess your condition.
toothache – durere de dinți
My excruciating toothache ended when my tooth nerve died. I fell in a deep slumber and woke up fresh as a daisy.
tuberculosis or TB – tuberculoză sau TBC
Although most often found in the lungs, TB can spread to any other organs.
ultrasound – ultrasunet
An ultrasound examination will help confirm the pregnancy.
unconsciousness – inconștiență, unconscious – inconștient
He has been unconscious for too long. The concussion must be quite severe.
urea – uree
Urea has no physiological purpose in our bodies. However, we synthesize it from inorganic materials to use it as a fertilizer and in various other ways.
urinary tract – tract urinar
If you treat them, urinary tract infections are not dangerous. But, if you don’t, they can spread from the bladder to the kidneys and cause serious damage.
urology – urologie, urologist – urolog
The urologist believes that her urinary incontinence is caused by stress and that surgical treatment probably won’t be necessary.
uterus – uter
By the end of a pregnancy, the uterus becomes the size of a watermelon.
vaccine – vaccin, vaccination – vaccinare
The HPV vaccine does not protect against all types of HPV.
valve – valvă
Two of his heart valves need to be replaced with artificial ones.
varicose veins – vene varicoase
Her varicose veins don’t allow her to stand for too long.
ventricular fibrillation – fibrilație ventriculară
Ischemic heart disease is the most frequent cause of ventricular fibrillation.
vertigo – vertij
The doctor is trying to determine the underlying cause of his vertigo.
visual acuity – acuitate vizuală
visual field – câmp vizual
Although her visual field is narrow, her visual acuity is quite impressive.
water retention – retenție de apă
Water retention is very common in people with a disorder of the thyroid gland.
weight loss – pierdere în greutate, to lose weight – a slăbi
Don’t starve yourself if you want to lose weight. Your body will feel threatened and will deposit all the fat it can get.
white blood cell – leucocite
A high white blood cell count indicates that there is an infection in your body.
wisdom tooth – măsea de minte
All of my wisdom teeth had to be extracted because they were affecting my other molars.
X-ray – raze X
Based on your chest X-ray, you might have emphysema. A CT scan is required at this point.
yeast infection – candidoză
Yeast infections can normally be prevented through good personal hygiene.
zoster – zona zoster
Chickenpox and zoster are triggered by the same virus. Zoster occurs when the latent virus reactivates.
Buna seara, ma intereseaza daca aceste doua inregistrari se pot descarca?
Si ma mai intereseaza daca postati tehnici de nursing in engleza?
O seara buna!
Dragă Andrei, materialele audio din Rapidul de Engleză sunt destinate utilizării online.
Momentan, acestea sunt singurele două lecții care abordează domeniul medical, însă am mai primit cereri în această direcție, așa că tot ce se poate să public lecții noi din sfera medicală în următoarele luni. Puteți să îmi trimiteți detalii despre nevoile dvs. folosind adresa
Buna ziua,
Va multumesc pentru raspuns!
As dori, daca se poate sa invat tehnici de nursing in limba engleza cum ar fi : injectiile, masurarea functiilor vitale etc., le am scrise in limba romana, dar nu stiu cum as putea sa le traduc in limba engleza. Ele sunt 30 de tehnici care trebuie traduse.
O zi buna!
Bună ziua,
Mi-e teamă că nevoile dvs. sunt prea specifice pentru a putea fi integrate în materialele publice și gratuite de pe site. Vă pot ajuta cu traducerea celor 30 de tehnici, dar asta în mod privat și contra cost.
Toate cele bune!
Buna ziua, Multumesc pt cele 2 lectii cu termeni medicali in limba engleza.Astept cu nerabdare noi lectii care abordeaza domeniul medical.M-ar ajuta tare mult traducerea simptomelor unor bolii precum si masurile de urgenta. Respect pt munca depusa !
Vă mulțumesc. Vă referiți la niște boli anume?
Buna Alexandra!O sa plec in luna octombrie ca carrer in Anglia si m-ar interesa daca ai putea sa ma ajuti cu lectii care contin limbajul specific infirmierelor la noi si anume:sa stiu sa il intreb daca are necesitati ,daca ai aduc plosca la pat ,cum se zice la scaunul cu rotile sau la suportul de sustinere pe care il folosesc dependenti partiali.Daca ai putea sa publici mai ales ma intereseaza introducerea in fraze corect pt. ca ma google translate imi da traducerea motamo si nu.i corect.Multumesc anticipat!
Dragă Marinela, îți doresc mult succes! În perioada următoare, nu voi avea timp pentru o nouă lecție pe acest subiect, dar îți răspund mai jos la chestiunile pe care le-ai menționat și poți să îmi trimiți tot aici alte întrebări.
1. Cum să îl întreb dacă are nevoie de ceva?
Can I get you anything? – Pot să vă aduc ceva?
Do you need anything else? – Mai aveți nevoie de ceva?
What can I do for you? – Ce pot să fac pentru dvs.?
2. Cum să îl întreb dacă dorește să îi aduc plosca la pat?
Do you want me to bring you your bedpan here, by the bed? – Doriți să vă aduc plosca aici, lângă pat?
3. Scaun cu rotile = wheelchair
Let’s get you into the wheelchair. – Haideți să vă așezăm în scaunul cu rotile.
4. Suportul de susținere pe care îl folosesc dependenții parțiali = walker / walking frame used by the partially disabled
Here is your walker. – Aici e cadrul dvs. de mers.
5. Introducerea în frază
Poți folosi exemplele de la punctul 1 pentru a construi alte întrebări.
– Can I (do something for you)? – Pot să (fac ceva pentru dvs.)?
– Do you need (something)? – Aveți nevoie de (ceva)?
– What can I do for you? / How can I help you? – Întrebări generale care exprimă disponibilitatea de a-l ajuta pe pacient, urmând ca el să ne spună cu ce îl putem ajuta.
Multumesc mult Alexandra pt. eficienta si rapiditatea cu care mi-ai raspuns la mesaj.O sa ma ajute foarte mult raspunsurile tale in engleza cum sunt principianta la engleza sper sa ma descurc la locul de munca ,imi doresc f. mult sa ma adaptez in sistemul sanitar britanic.Iti multumesc inca odata pt. disponibilitate si o sa te maim caut daca mai am intrebari .O seara frumoasa si week-end placut!
Cu mult drag și ne mai auzim!
buna ziua! oare termenul Pflegehilfskraft ce inseamna exact? . Multumesc!
Termenul „Pflegehilfskraft” este în limba germană. Aici suntem în Rapidul de Engleză 🙂
„Die Pflegehilfskraft” înseamnă „care assistant”, adică „asistentă medicală”.
Buna seara, v-as ruga daca ati putea sa imi traduceti discopatie lombara si cervicala, am cautat pe internet dar nu gasesc, multumesc anticipat
Dragă Mariana, discopatie lombară = lumbar discopathy, iar discopatie cervicală = cervical discopathy. Ambele sunt degenerative disc diseases.
Mulțumesc pentru munca depusă aici.Felicitări.
Mulțumesc mult și eu pentru mesaj!